Google Drive has a problem with displaying shared files if you are signed-in to Google. If the 'Recent Meetings' or 'Applications' are not displayed below, the easiest way to round this is to open this page in "private mode"...
1. Using the right mouse button (or on a phone/tablet press and hold), select the 'MEETINGS' menu option at the top. You will see options on how to open the link.
2. Choose the option to open the link in "private mode". Note browsers call this slightly different names. e.g. Chrome says 'Incognito', Edge & Internet Explorer 'InPrivate', Firefox & Safari 'Private' etc.
Thanks for bearing with us!
Planning Applications for Review
PQF is notified of all Planning Applications within the PQF area. The applications discussed at recent Trustee meetings are shown here, beginning with the most recent.
Full details of each application are available on the BCP planning portal.
We encourage you to raise your concerns and comments directly to BCP.
Full details of each application are available on the BCP planning portal.
We encourage you to raise your concerns and comments directly to BCP.
Poole Quays Forum is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, Registered Charity Number 1165496